See how awesome I am about keeping up with posts and journaling......(too bad text does not easily convey sarcasm). Anyways, back to reality, today marks the one year milestone for Ben and myself. It really doesn't seem like such a long span of time has lapsed since our first encounter with the Palace Cafe.
Lets see, what has happened over the past few weeks...well Darren acquired a nasty case of pink eye, my job has become rather cumbersome which is a travesty because I used to love it. Really those are the two biggest things that come to mind off the top of my head. I have been rather lazy on the photography front which is also rather disheartening. I just haven't had much of a drive.
So we decided to partake in the halloween festivities today by pumpkin carving and painting. I rather enjoyed it and despite all of Darren's whiny-ness I know he did too. I also stewed some of the pumpkin meat and pureed it and am thus going to bake pumpkin goodies. I absolutely love the smells that come out of the kitchen this time of year.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Yay for fall
So everything is falling back into place. The sense of normalcy has returned and no more anxiety yay. That being said, I am exhausted though haha. Darren did not take a nap yesterday, I have no idea what his deal was but we had a great time. He is such a bright and funny child.
Its back to work today, not sure whats in store for this week (no pun intended lol) only that the floorset is this weekend so I need to start gearing up for it. This will be my first overnight FS and it will actually be two whole nights, its huge.
So one of Jons pics.....

So one of Jons pics.....
Monday, October 10, 2011
And the sun came out today
So its been raining the past few days and while I love storms and rain Im glad for a break. I finally feel better for the first time in almost a week. I dont know if my meds are kicking back in or working again or what, all I know is that I dont feel like a crazy wreck and its nice. Ive actually done some cleaning today, havent made it too terribly far on that front as Darren and I spent some time at the mcdonalds playplace, but he had fun and maybe we will both get a nap now.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Red Balloon
So I went to visit my family yesterday and did a quick session with my brother for his senior pictures. I thoroughly enjoyed every second as it had been a minute since I had had the opportunity to shoot someone other than Ben or Darren. I will post more on that tomorrow though since I feel it warrants its own lengthy synopsis which I am not ready to delve into at this moment. (Long day at work + getting wrapped up into editing for 5 hrs = ready for bed) Plus I feel like I have somewhat neglegted Ben tonight in the attention department after getting caught up in ps. I seriously get lost in time though, an hour feels like 5 minutes it seems.
There was a random red hot air balloon that landed in a field by my parents house. I also happened to make Ben pull the car over to get a pic of some sunflowers and this guy happened to wander up to me...
There was a random red hot air balloon that landed in a field by my parents house. I also happened to make Ben pull the car over to get a pic of some sunflowers and this guy happened to wander up to me...
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A to the mazing

Life hasn't been to eventful these last couple days which, I will take the non happenings over the bad happenings any day. Ive had the pleasure of reading quite a few photography magazines and have found some inspiration, ideas along with photo tips and techniques on both the shooting and editing sides so I am pretty excited. There are a few "project" ideas so I shall pick one today and get started.
On a slightly different topic: I entered some photos into a competition I randomly happened upon one day. It was free to enter and the winners receive a shirt woohoo, in all seriousness I wasn't too concerned about the whole thing but have found myself checking my email constantly to see if Ive received any good news. It would feel great to have my one of my photos selected but there were over 6 thousand entries and alot of great talent so I am not getting my hopes up.

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